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Pink Salmon Picnic Spread

With the country still being on level 1 adjusted lockdown restrictions and the joint effort to promote social distancing throughout the country and globally, all our favourite spots are only taking a few patrons. But there is hope because Megan Pedro and Poetry stores have shared their pink salmon picnic spread that you can make for you and your girls.

Image: Supplied


  • 1 tub of smooth plain cream cheese
  • 20g chopped beetroot, cooked
  • 1tsp pickled ginger
  • Salmon fillers, 2 x 120g raw
  • 10-15 prawns, deveined and shelled (can leave the tail on)
  • 1 Tbsp salted butter
  • 15ml olive oil
  • Season with salt and black pepper
  • Juice of fresh lemon
  • 1 small Mediterranean cucumber
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/3 cup vinegar (apple cider, white, and rice wine are all good)
  • 2 Tbps sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 x hot cross buns, thinly sliced
  • Micro herbs and edible flowers


For the flavour packed cream cheese: combine the cream cheese, beetroot and ginger into a bowl and mix to incorporate.

For the cucumber pickle: In a small bowl add the water, vinegar, sugar, and salt. Stir to combine and until the sugar and salt have dissolved. Add the thinly sliced cucumber and taste and adjust to your liking. All the cucumbers should be covered in the brine. Let the mixture rest in the fridge until you are ready to eat.

For the prawns: add butter and oil to a large heavy-based pot, pan sear the prawns until curled and pink. Season with salt, pepper and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

For the hot cross bun Melba toast: thinly slice the hot cross buns and place them onto an oven tray. Bake at 160C for 10 minutes to allow for a crispy toast.

To assemble, place a spoonful of the flavoured cream cheese down and smooth out. Top with the fillet of salmon (you can sear if desired) and prawns before adding the spiralled pickled cucumbers and hot cross bun Melba toast. Garnish with micro herbs and edible flowers a day enjoy a fun modern take on a classic.

Perfect for a picnic-style pickled fish dish.

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