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Meet Luyanda, Royco Pot Maker Cook-Off Contestant

Chef Luyanda Mafanya

The first 21 days of our lockdown period in South Africa were a tough one, but many creatives rose to the occasion and kept people inspired by challenging them to get creative. 

Luyanda Mafanya, a qualified chef, was one of them. Luyanda created amazing and interesting meals and shared with her audience for them to join in and recreate. She has since gained praise from many people that had no idea what to whip up during this difficult time and couldn’t be saved by take-aways. Luyanda has successfully positioned herself as the go-to cook, for meal inspirations during lockdown and beyond. The young chef enjoys creating magical meals in her kitchen and this lockdown period has been a great time for her to try new things and to keep the inspiration going that harnesses her craft. 

As a brand, Royco has taken the best of traditional home cooking and packaged it in a way that allows consumers to conveniently and quickly make a meal. Chef Luyanda first partnered with Royco in 2019 and again earlier this year to create Stay-At-Home meals, this inspired viewers to also get cooking with Royco in under 30 minutes. She will now be one of the contestants for the ultimate Royco Cook-Off t hat will be cooking a quick and easy meal virtually for consumers.  Luyanda will be up against Bobby Van Jaarsveld in Royco’s first virtual cook-off and everybody is invited to witness who the ultimate champion will be. 

Luyanda isn’t giving much away about what she has up her sleeve, but she has a special Royco Pasta dish instore for us. Viewers are encourage to tune in to find out more. 

The Royco Cook-Off aims to bring some creativity, entertainment and light-heartedness to viewers and to the contestant’s kitchens but also inspire viewers to try out recipes that will be made by the contestants. Luyanda will be a tough act to match as she is a pro in the kitchen with competitive advantage. ”We have also embarked on this campaign to showcase that cooking can save our consumers time to enjoy the things that they like doing.” Nivashnee Moodley, Senior Brand Manager Food, Royco.

The virtual cook-off will take place on 23 July 2020 at 7pm CAT on the official Instagram page. Luyanda will be taking over the page where the ultimate battle will be hosted.  Find all Royco’s Cook-Off updates on both Bobby and Luyanda’s Instagram pages and follow for more time saving meals. 

May the best contestant win! 

For more meal inspiration and recipes, visit

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