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Exclusive Q&A: Azana on “Amacala Othando”, Her new single with Big Zulu

With over 900K views on Youtube in just seven days “Amacala Othando ” by Azana and Big Zulu has become the anthem of the moment. he soulful ballad tells the story of a couple navigating the ups and downs of their relationship, with Azana's powerful vocals perfectly complemented by Big Zulu's iconic rhymes. The duo's undeniable chemistry has captured the hearts of music lovers everywhere.

We caught up with Azana to talk about her latest single, "Amacala" and the inspiration behind the song.

What inspired the collaboration with Big Zulu, and where did the idea of the song come about?

I’ve always admired Big Zulu’s craft and versatility from afar and always wished for us to create something that would compliment us both, when the time came for us to work we decided to talk about love, Big Zulu started singing about the problems of a relationship, as a collaborator it was my job to then find a way to sing along those lines and tell the story together while I expressed my own experience of trouble in paradise.

Image: Instagram/@Azana

“Amacala Othando” speaks on the indifferences of love, how does the song’s theme or subject matter relate to your own experiences or emotions

Growing up, home was a lovely experience, however like every other family, there were moments of quarrel, thinking back when my parents would not see eye to eye, but they always tried their best to make their marriage work, this song depicts that quite well.

The song received incredible reception before its release date, What does that mean to you?

I am very grateful our audience took this song with open arms, as an artist I don’t take for granted being appreciated for my work and for it to reach beyond where I step foot.

Image: Instagram/@Azana

How do you navigate the creative process with the business side of the music industry?

⁠Having a great leadership structure that I trust has helped me grow tremendously in business this results in me enjoying making music without a lot of weight on my shoulders.

Can we expect a full project between you and Big Zulu, your artistic chemistry was natural and highly unexpected

Stay tuned to find out.

What does 2025 has in store for you, what are your hopes and goals for your career this year?

I aim for a year of elevation in all aspects of my life.

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