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SEE: Black Friday Street style chic fashion must-haves by Pamela Mtanga and Darkie Fiction

Known for their street sophistication looks, social media influencer Pamela Mtanga and music duo Darkie Fiction, share their street-chic fashion deals they are adding to their cart this Black Friday.

Radio and TV presenter, MC and seminar host, Pamela is best known for her trendy fashion content. She says her style is simple with an element of surprise. “It isn’t always practical, but that’s the beauty of fashion, right?”

Definitely in her Black Friday cart this year is the Originals adidas ZX 2k Boost 2.0, black leather track pants from the Originals pants range and white adidas jacket from the Originals jacket range. Pamela says her wish list is long this year because there are many items, she has her heart set on.

“I love stepping out of my comfort zone and wearing what works best for my body. My style is influenced by the likes of Zendaya Coleman, Hailey Bieber, Rich Mnisi, Rihanna and so many high fashion influencers. When it comes to street culture, I do not aim to fit in, I just express myself and I do so through fashion.”

Neo-kwaito musos Yoza Mnyanda and Katt Daddy of Darkie Fiction says their boisterous toddler, Bayethe, has an influence on their style. “Being parents means you always need to be ready to be on the move. So, these days all you'll find us in is athleisure wear,” says Yoza. The Marimekko line is her Black Friday must-have because it personifies her personal combination of athleisure and style.

“When we had a child a lot of our time and attention went to her. We're still finding who we are again and what style is to us now. We're mixing and matching pieces that don’t conventionally go together and enjoying where this takes us.”

Katt loves to spoil the family and so his family shopping list will be influenced by his personal style - street chic with a touch of 80’s/90’s nostalgia. “I couldn’t get enough of the tracksuits from the kiddies Original’s tracksuit range. They had Bayethe’s name written all over them.”

Be the first to know about the latest adidas Black Friday deals early with savings of up to 50% at from 22-29 November and up to 50% at adidas stores nationwide from 24-29 November.

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Follow @adidasZA #BlackFriday conversation on Instagram for more information.

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