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WATCH: 73 Questions with Adele

Pardon the cliche, but it truly has been a whirlwind year for Adele:

From her November Vogue cover to the release of her new single “Easy on Me” (her first in almost six years) and upcoming album, the singer is busier than ever, but she's still generous enough to make time to answer a few of our questions (73 questions plus a surprise bonus round…which may have significant meaning for Adele fans). “Typical Brit, wearing a tracksuit in 90-degree weather,” explains Adele as she unloads her car and muses on how COVID-19 has gotten her in touch with her homebody side. That said, she's more than ready to go on tour: “Keep on wearing your masks, and don’t be spreading that Delta, and who knows?”

You can take the girl out of Tottenham, but you can't make her forget the Hotspur Football Club chant, even when she’s unloading groceries in her airy, spacious Los Angeles home. “My sarcastic humor doesn’t actually travel,” Adele laments of adjusting to U.S. culture from England, but we beg to differ. British supermarket fans, take note: Adele was raised on Tesco, but she's actually a Sainsbury’s loyalist. She doesn't love being recognized in public, but she’s learned to make her peace with it, and she’s even willing to have her bookshelves dissected (no Kindle for this chanteuse). If you’re hoping to hear Adele belt out some “Hello” lyrics and put them through the Alvin and the Chipmunks simulator on her phone,’re in luck.

In case you need a recommendation for Adele’s new album, just know that singing some of the songs still makes her cry, meaning the rest of us should go ahead and invest in waterproof mascara. For all the rest of the details on concert horror stories, stage fright, on-the-spot fashion consultation, and the advice that a certain mega-famous singer passed on to Adele after her throat surgery, check out the full video.

Written by Emma Specter.

This originally appeared on Vogue.

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