Love or hate them, celebrity couples have always given us something to whisper about, whether its their new matching tattoos, a romantic baecation or just a simple walk by the beach, we always want to know what they are up to. Sadly for them there’s no escape from this, our appetite for their daily activities is always one step ahead, dare I say we are also reliable in spilling any tea should we suspect a third party in their relationship? oh yes we are always ready with receipts.
Far from the flashing lights of paparazzi, South African celebrity couples are not immune from media scrutiny, some willingly participate through their social media accounts, tagging each other and vlogging about their relationship, giving us front row sits to their blooming romance.
While we would like to mention all of our favourite local celebrity couples, there are those whose presence shine a little brighter than others. We have compiled a list of 5 SA celebrity couples who have redefined the meaning of love with their unconditional affection for one another and their contribution to the entertainment industry.
Kabelo Mabalane and Gail Mabalane
Who knew legendary Kwaito star Kabelo will one day snatch the heart of the gorgeous and talented actress Gail Mabalane. Celebrating 11 years of marriage, this couple has been serving couple goals way before Instagram made it a trend.
Khuli Chana and Lamiez Holworthy-Morule
Ever seen a hotter couple in your life? Well look no further Dj and Radio host Lamiez Holworthy-Morule said I do to Hip Hop musician Khuli Chana in 2019 and since then the couple have not stopped bombarding us with their beautiful union.
Musa and Liesl Laurie-Mthombeni
I’m scared we might not do justice to this couple if we compete with Musa’s captions, because we all know there’s nothing comparable to his witty yet affectionate Instagram captions that serve as a love letter to his beautiful wife Liesl Laurie-Mthombeni.
J Something and Cordelia Fonseca
It might have taken a while for J Something to introduce his wife to his side of world and by that we mean to us - his music fans and followers , and boy do we not love their chemistry and besides who cannot melt at the sight of Cordelia Fonseca’s infectious laughter, We totally understand J, we would hide her too.
Tony and Sthandiwe Kgoroge
Are we even worthy of this dynamic duo? Veteran power couple Sthandiwe and Tony have been married for 24 years and their love for each has been burning since they first got together and we’ve been lucky enough to celebrate every milestone with them.