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SEE: Babes Wodumo on social pressures

Picture: Babes Wodumo, Instagram

In a recent Instagram Live, Babes Wodumo talked about the pressures of black tax and constantly being judged by

In the 12 minute long video, Durban socialite Tha Simelane chats to the singer who looks and sounds inebriated. 

At the start of the video, Babes, who is with her friend, is seen playing with her breasts in front of the camera. 

A shocked, Simelane covers his mouth in dismay before starting the chat with Babes. 

During the conversation, the two chat about things like the pressures of black tax and all the other things she has become responsible for in her household; her music career and other artists and always being judged by people for being drunk. 

She revealed that she had to build her family a house and said that she hates how people "don't understand what she had to go through" and the only thing they know is to judge her. 

Then things took a turn and she started to cry. 

Simelane goes on to tell the "Wololo" star that he "loves her and that she mustn't die". 

He said that she must pray that "God doesn't kill her".

When the live session ends, Simelane says to his viewers: "She won't change. Babes won't change. I watched her use cocaine in front of so many people. She won't change."

Some of the "Umngan'wami" hitmaker's fans seem to think that the video was a set up by Simelane while others felt sorry for her saying that she needed therapy. 

Here are some of their reactions

— Mlu Mhlongo (@PlatinumNatique) June 5, 2020

Watch the full video here: 


Here are some of the comments on YouTube: 

Nolizwi M: "Yoh. This video was a set up. People are just capitalizing on her issues".

Doreen Msimanga: "There's nothing wrong in this video, abantu badramatic nje... why y'all act like you don't drink..aii tsek maan babes is still young and enjoying her life".

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