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Penny Lebyane shares how the reality of mental health in the media industry impacted her life

Image: Instagram

Media personality Penny Lebyane has again spoken out about spending days at a psychiatric ward because of showbiz. 

The radio and television presenter opened up about her struggles in the media industry on her social media pages

In a series of tweets, Lebyane wrote that she couldn’t keep quiet anymore because "she had buried too many people."

"I’ve buried too many ppl to keep quiet. I spent 10 days in a psychiatric ward cos of Entertainment Industry bs especially #BlackRadio to suck my thumb bury my head" wrote the presenter. 

I’ve buried too many ppl to keep quiet & personally I spent 10days in a psychiatric ward cos of Entertainment Industry bs especially #BlackRadio to suck my thumbbury my head. I’m not a beautyqueen don’t have to impress u or a wife or influencer. I am broadcaster for Social Impact

— PennyLebyane💚Penny Lebyane (@PennyLebyane) July 11, 2019

Lebyane’s rants came at the back of the cancellation of DJ Fresh’s programme on an SABC radio station. 

It was never a popularity contest & it won’t start today. It’s my life,my journey, my walk,my work, my truth. I don’t need your approval of me. I accepted myself when u believed the lies about me, when I was marginalized I mastered to stand alone. When I was rejected I loved me.

— PennyLebyane💚Penny Lebyane (@PennyLebyane) July 11, 2019

Money won’t fix the unconsciousness of the mind. Intentional conscious content will fix us and Media is at the center of it. Fame us toxic and u”ll are laping it up like water🤯🤯

— PennyLebyane💚Penny Lebyane (@PennyLebyane) July 11, 2019

And I am not Alone! Never. #IAm a Force of Nature.

— PennyLebyane💚Penny Lebyane (@PennyLebyane) July 11, 2019

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