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Megan Thee Stallion is graduating from college

Hot girl scholar!

2021 is set to be a big year for Megan Thee Stallion. The 26-year-old rapper announced on Instagram that she will be graduating from college this year.

Of course, she had to do it in her signature style by posting a series of pictures of herself with a bedazzled graduation cap. On it were the words, “Real hot girl s**”, borrowing a lyric from her song Hot Girl Summer.

In the pictures, she also matched her nails to her school’s colours, with one hand reading TSU and the other 2021.

Megan has reportedly been studying towards a degree in health administration from Texas Southern University. She previously discussed why it's so important for her to graduate college despite all her fame and success.

"I want to get my degree because I really want my mom to be proud. She saw me going to school before she passed," she said.

Megan’s mother passed away in March 2019 after battling brain cancer. The rapper says she is also determined to graduate to be an example for other women in her family.

A throwback school photograph. Image: @megantheestallion/Instagram

The star also previously told PEOPLE magazine that she would love to set up a help centre for her fellow TSU classmates to assist them in getting their first post-graduation work experience.

"I really wanted to be an administrator over a hospital, but I knew I still wanted to be Megan Thee Stallion. I was like, 'What can I do?'"

"I was like, 'You know what, I'm gonna open an assisted-living facility and use the money that I make from rapping to open it. Then I'm gonna let my classmates run it,” she said to PEOPLE.

We can’t wait to see the pics she posts on her big day.

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