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Love lives here, KFC couple enjoy SA's support

In the spirit of Ubuntu, the South African public have opened their hearts and pockets after a video of an unknown man proposing to his girlfriend in a KFC went viral. 

The couple, just known as Hector Kansi and Nonhlanhla, have now been showered with donations for their dream wedding. Even celebrity chef Lesego Semenya has offered to make them a signature LesDaChef wedding cake. 

Now their honeymoon has been taken care of as well. According to to the latest on Twitter, five honeymoon destinations are on offer to the couple.

%%%twitter">@golimpopois going to be the Honeymoon destination for our #KFCProposal and our exclusive 5* Luxury @amlodge_za will be their home for 2 blissful nights #OnlyInLimpopo #LoveLivesInLimpopo #MoreToEnjoy

— TheLifestyleTourist (@ms_tourist)

The first is at five-star Limpopo lodge AM Lodge where they have been offered two nights accommodation. Sun City Resort also committed into giving the couple a weekend stay to celebrate their engagement while Tsogo Sun also offered a two-night stay at one their hotels.


— Sun City Resort (@SunCityResortSA)

%%%twitter">@KFCSAplease DM us so that we can make the arrangements. Thank you. #KFCProposal

— Tsogo Sun (@tsogosun)

Kulula offered to fly them to Cape Town and sponsor five nights accommodation, while Castlelite has unlocked an extra cold honeymoon at the Extra Cold Republic. 

%%%twitter">#kululaholidaysare giving you a holiday in Cape Town, incl flights and 5 nights accommodation. ✈️🎉💚🏖️ #KFCProposal

— kulula (@kulula)

More gifts and sponsoring are being offered to the couple. We're are still uncertain when and where the wedding is taking place but we'll keep you updated on what's happening on the wedding of the year. 

%%%twitter">#RepublicOfExtraColdincl. flights and accommodation this summer! #KFCProposal

— CastleLiteSA (@castlelitesa)

[Via IOL]

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