Kate Middleton has spoken. During a visit to the Foundling Museum in London on Tuesday, the Duchess of Cambridge, wearing a patterned Kate Spade dress, shared her approval of the newly engaged Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. In a joint statement released on Twitter Monday, she and Prince William already said that it “has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together,” but there’s just something more heartfelt in saying it out loud.
“William and I are absolutely thrilled,” she told reporters on Tuesday, per People.“It’s such exciting news. It’s a really happy time for any couple, and we wish them all the best and hope they enjoy this happy moment.”
See Princess Kate wish Prince Harry and Meghan well on their engagement pic.twitter.com/6oxL4rD4SF
— Simon Perry (@SPerryPeoplemag) November 28, 2017
While Kate was celebrating the news of her sister-in-law-to-be, she was also at the museum to learn about its art therapy program. The museum honors the Foundling Hospital, founded in 1739, which was the first U.K. children’s charity and focused on caring for abandoned babies. While there, Kate met children and families taking part in arts & crafts time—and joined in.
Arts & crafts time! The Duchess of Cambridge meets little nursery children and takes part in their art project activities. 🎨🖍 pic.twitter.com/eywMuOjPX5
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) November 28, 2017
It’s no surprise that Monday’s news was happy for Kate. During their first joint interview on Monday, the couple spoke about how warm Kate has been to Markle.
“It was exciting. I mean, I’ve, you know, I’d been seeing her for a period of time when I literally didn’t tell anybody at all,” Harry said. “And then William was longing to meet her and so was Catherine, so you know being our neighbours we managed to get that in a couple of, well, quite a few times now, and Catherine has been absolutely . . .”
“She’s been wonderful,” Markle finished.