The 34-year-old actress welcomed her first child, Autumn James Hallisay, into the world in Los Angeles on Tuesday (26.11.13) and used the opportunity to announce she recently married her ‘The Client List’ co-star Brian Hallisay, whom she got engaged to in June.
A spokesperson for the actress told “Jennifer Love Hewitt and her husband Brian Hallisay are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter. Autumn James Hallisay was born on November 26.”
A source also revealed that the couple “got married recently in private.”
The newlyweds opted to keep the sex of their baby a secret until the birth and Jennifer celebrated at a gender-neutral baby shower last month.
The brunette beauty, who previously dated John Mayer, was joined by 24 of her closest friends and female relatives for the lavish event in a private room of the Hotel Bel-Air.
A source said: “There were flowers galore and about two dozen guests. It was a very girly affair.”
The actress had a relatively easy pregnancy and said she was looking forward to developing a bond with her child after her mother, Patricia Mae, passed away following a battle with cancer in June 2012.
She previously said: “I’ve always wanted to be a mum. I had a great relationship with mine. I’m ready to pass on to my child all the great love that my mum had for me.”
News of the couple’s new arrival comes just weeks after their show was cancelled after two seasons.