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The non-invasive beauty treatment loved by celebrities

Around this time of the year, we’re not only looking forward to summer, wearing less and days at the beach, but we’re also searching for ways to shed weight fast without spending too much time at the gym. There are numerous options available in the aesthetics and non-invasive cosmetic treatment space. I spoke to Dr Natalia Novikova, founder of the Body and Skin Clinic, about the latest trends on the market and questions to ask before booking your treatment.

Dr Natalia Novikova. Image: Bongiwe Gumede

Glamour: Tell us about your background and the Body and Skin Clinic?

Dr Natalia Novikova: I’m a practising gynaecologist interested in minimally invasive surgery. I offer medical and cosmetic gynaecology services. I visited the BTL Aesthetics office in Joburg as part of the cast of a medical television show that presented a new treatment for urinary incontinence, the Emsella Chair. Using high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM), which tightens and develops the vaginal muscles, this ‘magic chair’ performs 11 200 Kegel exercises on the user in 30 minutes. During further research, I found similar technologies for body shaping, such as Emsculpt, another HIFEM procedure that simulates the effects of 20 000 sit-ups or squats in 30 minutes. Impressed with the results, I established the Body and Skin Clinic in 2019 to offer these excellent treatments.

What are your most popular services?

DNN: Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo (build muscle and burn fat) Exilis (tightens the skin and slims), VanquishMe (reduces fat), Ultrafemme 360 (rejuvenates the pelvis), and X-Wave and Emtone (remove cellulite and stretch marks). Our primary objective is to help our clients attain their desired results. We approach each individual’s needs holistically and uniquely. We also offer advice on other measures such as dietary and lifestyle changes.

G: Body contouring is trending globally. What are important questions to ask before having it done?

DNN: Body contouring has been around for years – you have only to look at the ever-changing trends in body shapes and types over time. It’s more visible now due to increased online activity and has gained popularity as public figures have influenced ordinary people to explore their alternatives. Megan Fox, Jordyn Woods and Drew Barrymore are amongst the global stars who’ve benefited from BTL treatments. Local personalities Pearl Thusi, Kgomotso Christopher and Cindy Nel have too.

Important questions to ask

  • Is the equipment the clinic uses for body contouring FDA-approved?
  • Is the practitioner administering the treatment qualified?
  • What should I expect?
  • What’s the best way to achieve optimal results?
  • What are the risks and potential complications?

G: What are the advantages of having a non-invasive body contouring treatment?

DNN: Non-invasive means non-surgical, so you avoid all risks associated with surgery, such as pain, bleeding, possible infections, and limits to exercise, driving, sex and other bodily functions. There’s no recovery period, so you can resume your daily activities immediately afterwards.

G: Who can’t have the treatment?

DNN: People who have metal implants, unrealistic expectations or certain medical conditions. We gather information about our clients, which we use to determine if they qualify for the treatment. We take pictures of our clients throughout their treatment, allowing us to observe changes. We also encourage them to monitor the treatment areas, as seeing the results often motivates them to carry on attending their sessions and helps identify potential issues as they arise.

G: What does skin-tightening involve?

DNN: The skin loses elasticity as you age, becoming loose and saggy. Pregnancy, sudden weight changes and specific medical conditions are common causes. Radiofrequency energy is used in skin tightening to stimulate new collagen and elastin in skin cells, resulting in tighter, smoother skin. Since BTL Exilis targets many body areas, we often recommend it for skin tightening. But treatments such as Emtone and Emsculpt Neo combine skin tightening with other technologies.

BTL VanquishMe Treatment Review

What is it?

BTL VanquishMe is one of the most popular treatments at the body and skin clinic, especially at its Cape Town branch. clients have fallen for the magic of this advanced solution for significant fat loss, which offers the largest decrease in the circumference of the treatment area. it’s great for individuals with a high BMI and covers the largest surface area of all treatments in the fatdisruption industry. the panel generates a selective radiofrequency field to shrink and kill fat cells. this treatment decreases the fat layer by an average of 29%.

How it works

A radio-frequency energy heats fat cells to a temperature high enough to cause them to die or shrink. the lymphatic system flushes out the dead fat cells, and the body and organs burn the energy released during this process.

VanquishMe Body Treatment


I completed six weekly sessions of the BTL Vanquishme treatment.



First session: 104cm

Sixth session: 98cm l


First session: 110cm

Sixth session: 101cm


The only noticeable side effects I experienced were slight swelling on my lower abdomen, and mild dehydration and a headache, which subsided after taking a panado and drinking plenty of water.

This article was originally published on Glamour’s Sepetember 2022 Spring Issue. Grab your digital copy, here.

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