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Pearl Modiadie’s journey to radiance - from the inside out

Pearl Modiadie’s remarkable journey from radio to television, and now as a sought-after MC, has been nothing short of inspiring. Her evolution and growth shine brightly, and her collaboration with NIVEA on the LUMINOUS 630® range perfectly reflects her path to radiating confidence from within.

If you’ve been following Pearl Modiadie’s journey, you might recall her as the lively TV presenter on’s kids’ show, Craz-e. She also co-hosted the game show Crazed Out and transitioned into a content producer role for Sisterhood, another popular show. Later, she joined YFM as a radio host. Reflecting on her career, Pearl reveals that television has always been her first love. “That is where I started my broadcasting career and that love story still continues even with its evolution from hosting (which I still enjoy) to acting ( a new thrilling territory I’m immersing myself in). Throughout my career evolution, I’ve learned the value of versatility and adaptability in this forever changing landscape, where embracing new tools and platforms has allowed me to stay innovative in my approach.”

Pearl’s versatility is evident as she navigates various broadcasting mediums. Although she makes it look effortless, she acknowledges the effort involved. “It requires understanding your unique strengths and using them to engage viewers or listeners effectively. Whether through radio, intimate connection or television and visual impact, my goal remains the same: to inform, entertain, and connect with my audience on a deeper level.”

Pearl is also a mom to a 6-year-old boy, Lewatle. Considering that motherhood is a significant life change, I’m wondering how it has influenced her perspective on balancing personal and professional life? “Motherhood has significantly changed my life and deepened my appreciation for the quality time I spend with loved ones. I’ve become more intentional about creating meaningful moments with my family. I’ve learned to be more efficient in my work to maximize productivity during work periods so I can embrace flexibility when family needs arise.”

Pearl Modiadie, PHOTOGRAPHY: Ed Mehravaran

The idea of balance comes up often when one wears different hats, so what does this look like to the doting mom? “There’s honestly no true balance, certain things take priority at different times and being able to delegate has been helpful, as hard as it is for someone as hands-on as I am.” With this in mind, how does Pearl prioritize self-care amidst her professional commitments? “I exercise regularly which is an important part of my self-care practise, it boosts my mood and makes me feel great especially on days when I don’t really feel like it. I strive in finding quiet moments in my days just to be by myself, I’m a loner and alone time is what energises me, and I don’t believe in sleeping when we’re dead, I prioritise rest as much as I prioritise work.”

In her journey towards embracing motherhood, she shares that these are practices she has found helpful in maintaining her mental and emotional well-being. Including, seeking support when needed. “They were right when they said it takes a village because it truly does. Sometimes we need a break from our little ones to help us come back to self and co-parenting has offered me that.” Affirming that it’s not all doom and gloom. “Having a daily routine for both my son and I has provided some form of structure and stability. Although we fall off it sometimes due to my unpredictable work schedule, his nanny does a good job of helping us stay on track.”

Having grown up in the public eye and consistently presenting herself with confidence, she reveals that her path to body positivity has been a profound and challenging one. “From developing insecurities when I was a teenager which made me hide my body, to developing curves and embracing them, discovering fitness and enjoying the leaner and stronger version of myself, to falling pregnant and not recognising the body I’m in, but appreciating it for housing my most precious gift, to my body now in its late 30’s not responding to healthy eating and exercise as well as it did in my 20’s. I have learned to embrace it however, and to be grateful for a healthy body that works, and and carries me in my day to day.” Affirming that it has been a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and empowerment. “It has taught me that true beauty radiates from within and that embracing my body with love and gratitude enhances not only my self-image but also but my overall well-being.”

Its common for new moms to feel pressure postpartum, and Pearl admits that it hasn’t been easy for her either. “A lot has changed, and I am honestly still not embracing this change. I am not as comfortable and confident as I want to be and the more, I think about it, the more Irealise that I’ve actually never reached that place… whatever my body size. I only appreciate it when I look back and never in the current moment. It’s a journey I am still on and hope to arrive at a place of contentment one day. What I do appreciate, and love is my mind as I get older. Being mindful and intentional about everything around me. I’m practising positive self-talk, and I am much kinder to myself and more self-assured.”

Pearl’s honesty is refreshing, and as someone who is admired for her authenticity, her opinion carries weight. So how does she think brands and franchises like NIVEA LUMINOUS630 630® contribute to women empowerment through skincare? “Brands and franchises like NIVEA LUMINOUS 630® play a significant role in women empowerment through skincare by promoting confidence, self-care, and embracing individual beauty. I love how NIVEA highlights stories of real women showcasing their journeys of self-acceptance which is crucial in inspiring others to embrace their unique beauty inside and out.” Considering that the brand is touted as having the most effective anti-dark mark ingredient globally. I’m curious about her take on how this innovation addresses the specific skin care needs of South African women, particularly those with melanin-rich skin tones? “One of the challenges we face with our deeper skin tones is finding skincare products that are both safe and effective in addressing hyperpigmentation without compromising skin health.

The NIVEA LUMINOUS 630® innovation offers this solution by providing a gentle yet powerful solution that respects the skin natural balance while effectively reducing dark marks over time and across diverse communities.” NIVEA is renowned for advocating inclusivity and challenging unrealistic beauty standards, encouraging women to embrace their true selves.

The LUMINOUS 630® campaign continues this mission by emphasizing the importance of achieving glowing, even-toned skin. Weighing in on the campaign’s messaging, Pearl says, “Even-toned skin is healthy skin! Healthy skin will always be in. NIVEA celebrates diversity which promotes inclusivity, which encourages women to celebrate their unique beauty traits, and this inspires positive change within the beauty industry.” Given her platform and influence, how does Pearl hope to inspire other women to prioritize skin care as part of their self-care routines? “I’m a firm believer in self-care rituals being a form of self-love and caring for your skin is a non-negotiable form of self-love. It’s the biggest organ on our bodies and is a good indicator of our general health so it should be prioritized from the inside out.

As someone who has a platform of influence, I try to lead by example by sharing evidence-based information and hope it inspires positive change.” The journey to finding effective skincare products can be daunting, so what advice would she give to women navigating the world of skincare and looking for products that truly deliver results? “Start by identifying your skin type and specific concerns, this foundation will guide you in selecting products tailored to your skincare needs.

Pearl Modiadie, PHOTOGRAPHY: Ed Mehravaran

Educate yourself on skincare ingredients that will cater to your specific concerns and start with the basics like cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen then add serums that cater to your concerns. Consistency is key in getting your desired results and always trust your skin’s feedback.” It’s clear that Pearl’s approach to brand alignment extends far beyond endorsement. So, what drew her to support NIVEA LUMINOUS 630® , and how does she align with its mission? “I was drawn to this campaign because it represents a significant step forward in skincare innovation, particularly in addressing hyperpigmentation which I struggled with when I was expecting, so it’s personal for me and something many women can relate to. I love that NIVEA advocates for positive representation, inclusivity and empowerment which aligns with my beliefs.” The LUMINOUS 630® campaign promotes not just physical beauty but also confidence.

Expanding on her definition of true confidence, and how her journey with NIVEA contributed to that definition, Pearl says, “True confidence is being completely bare with yourself and being ok with it. My journey with NIVEA has taught me the importance of self-acceptance and embracing ‘imperfections’ as part of my unique beauty.” In light of this empowering initiative, it’s worth noting that many women struggle with self-image and confidence. Pearl’s advice to women who are trying to embrace their unique beauty and find confidence in themselves? “Comparison is the thief of joy! Do not compare yourself to other people, they are not you and you don’t know what it has taken for them to be who and what they are.

Shift your focus towards what you love most about your life and make growing that a priority!” Practically, what does this look like for Pearl as she navigates her daily life? “I find that I’m most confident when I achieve personal goals like closing the Move rings on my smartwatch or when I finish reading a book or when I attend that hot yoga class I had been meaning to go to. I enjoy engaging in activities that align with my values and interest, they bring me joy and a sense of purpose. It’s the little things we do that contribute to our well-being. And if your self-image is negative and affecting aspects of your life, it’s also ok to speak to an expert in that field and get the help you need.”

Pearl Modiadie, PHOTOGRAPHY: Ed Mehravaran

Pearl’s go-to practices for maintaining a positive mindset and staying motivated:

● When faced with challenges, I allow myself to break down before building myself up again. A good cry is where I start, then I find a solution.

● When I am overwhelmed, I will either offload what’s weighing heavy on me by either delegating or postponing. If I can’t do either, I then break down the challenge into smaller manageable tasks which makes it feel less daunting.

● Prayer helps me approach the situation with clarity and a calm mind. Upclose and Personal with Pearl and the Radiance of NIVEA’s LUMINOUS 630® Range

Glamour: Amongst the NIVEA LUMINOUS 630® products, do you have a favourite or go-to item? What about it makes it essential to your skincare routine?

Pearl:The one product that attracted me to the NIVEA LUMINOUS 630® range is the serum! It works! It has reduced the appearance of my dark marks and revealed the radiance of my skin.I also enjoy the Advanced Night Cream, which works during the night to strengthen and rejuvenate the skin. You wake up with a beautiful glow!

Glamour: LUMINOUS 630® range offers specialized serums for various skin concerns.Could you share which serum(s) you find most effective for your specific skincare needs?

Pearl: The NIVEA LUMINOUS 630® Advanced Treatment serum. It has advanced formulation which features the innovative LUMINOUS 630® ingredient, which is recognized for its effectiveness in reducing dark marks and promoting even-toned skin. Fun fact – the franchise is called LUMINOUS 630® because the 630 th molecule of the 50 000 which were tested, was the molecule that worked! It also took 10 years of research to develop this product.

Glamour: When incorporating new skincare products into your routine, what factors are most important to you? How does the LUMINOUS 630® range meet those criteria?

Pearl: I look at ingredients that target specific skincare concerns. The LUMINOUS 630® range is formulated with the innovative LUMINOUS 630® ingredient which is known for its efficacy in reducing dark marks and promoting even-toned skin. I also look at skin compatibility, it’s for normal, dry, oily or sensitive skin and the LUMINOUS 630® range caters to a wide range of skin types. Safety is paramount so I appreciate products that go under rigorous dermatological testing and with 10 years of research, we can all be assured that LUMINOUS 630® meets those standards.

Glamour: Do you have any skincare rituals or application techniques that you find enhance the effectiveness of the LUMINOUS 630® products?

Pearl: I use ice rollers on my face in the morning after cleansing. I find that this helps with depuffing my face and minimising my pores which makes me look fresh and well rested. The LUMINOUS 630® day cream has enough SPF in it, but I can’t help but want to add an extra layer of protection on a daily basis, it’s been part of my skin ritual for years.

Regarding application, I find that the LUMINOUS 630® is effective when you follow the correct application steps which are to cleanse, followed by the serum and then the day cream/night cream.

Pearl Modiadie, PHOTOGRAPHY: Ed Mehravaran

Glamour: As someone who values visible results, how quickly did you notice improvements in your skin after using the LUMINOUS 630® range? Can you describe your experience with these changes?

Pearl: When a brand promises me results in a short period of time, I’m usually cynical thinking they’re selling me dreams! I decided to give NIVEA LUMINOUS 630® a chance after adding 2 more weeks to their promise, but their 2-week results promise actually lived up to its word! In 2 weeks of consistent use in the morning and night, there was a noticeable difference in my skin, and with continuous use, the more luminous my skin became.

Glamour: With your busy schedule, how do you ensure consistency in using skincare products like those from the LUMINOUS 630® range?

Pearl: My skincare routine is simple, so consistency is not a challenge when it comes to a 3 to 4 step routine. I make time for things that matter, and a skincare routine is part of my lifestyle. It’s like showering and brushing teeth, I just incorporate it effortlessly into my veryday life.

Glamour: The LUMINOUS 630® campaign emphasizes achieving glowing, even-toned skin. How has using these products contributed to your overall confidence and sense of well-being?

Pearl: Achieving skincare goals with the help of LUMINOUS 630® has brought a sense of personal satisfaction and pride in my life. It has reinforced the idea that investing in self-care pays off in terms of both physical appearance and emotional well-being and it feels great to be part of this community.

Glamour: Lastly, for those considering to try the LUMINOUS 630® range, what would be your advice or encouragement to help them make the most of their skincare journey?

Pearl: The results speak for themselves, it works!

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