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Here's how you stop your natural hair from breaking

Pic: Pexels

Hair is very tricky. One week it's all growth and healthy, the other it's going through shrinkage and falling off. 

There are several reasons why your hair is suffering and breaking. 

To help you prevent your hair from going through the woes, Vincent Office helped us sum up some of the reasons why your hair is breaking and what you can do to address it effectively.

Reason 1:

The overuse and misuse of product in your hair.  Hair colouring maybe trendy but that's one of the big reasons why your hair is breaking. 

When you DIY dye your hair it is easy to get it wrong and mix the products unproportionally and this in the long run will affect your hair and create uncomfortable hair issues. 

However, the main question still remains "what can one use after bleaching hair?".... One can hydrate hair by using hair oils or do a good deep conditioning treatment. 

For instance, one can make use of ORS Castor Oil and Vatika Masque Conditioner. Oil will help make your hair shiny and silky and also help tame your mane from being all frizzy. The masque will help make your hair stronger as it would have suffered from all the stripping of natural nutrients it went through while bleaching. 

Reason 2

Uninformed Styling. When many people style their hair it is based on trends either from the runway or at times TV shows. 

However, people need to know these styles tend to damage hair because they involve the pulling and radical combing of hair. 

For instance, one can get accustomed to doing an updo all the time and in time you will notice how your crown area will suffer from this because of your stylist or you keep pulling on your hair try and achieve a tight ponytail style.  

One can resolve this by making use of products such as Triple Oil Rescue, which will help you regrow the hair that has fallen off. 

Reason 3

Overheating your hair leads to dryness. Heat is not a good element to introduce to natural hair. Heat dries your hair and also makes your hair fall out every time you comb it. 

Heating your hair soon after it has been shampooed is not a good idea, especially if it has not been given enough after treatment. 

Some after treatment products that can help you with is the Conditioner Aloe Vera. The product will help your hair recover by removing frizziness, dullness and adding more shininess.

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