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Glamour Women's Month Series: Meet Ntombenhle Khathwane, founder of AfroBotanics and house of brands

Glamour: What does women's month mean to you?

Ntombenhle Khathwane: I celebrate women everyday in the work I do. I grew up seeing strong women around me, as I was raised by my single parent mom. Women’s Month for me is like that time of a year, where we take an audit of how far we have come as a country and world, to examine the quality of freedom women enjoy, and the quality of freedom they bestow on themselves. And what we do next to achieve equality.

G: Why is it important to celebrate the women of South Africa?

NK: The women of South Africa of all races, are subject to patriarchal limitations. Whether it comes in the form of culture, racism, religion, all women of South Africa experience gender inequality. It is important to highlight what other women are doing to break free, because as Maya Angelou once said, one person’s freedom gives another permission to be free. We need to highlight women pushing and breaking boundaries so other women are inspired to do the same, to live their best life, to live their Own Kind Of Beautiful.

G: What inspires you to be successful?

NK: Success is relative, everyone’s version of success is different. I feel successful if I am living purposefully. My purpose drives me everyday, and I live it through everything I do. I wake up excited, no matter the challenges I am facing, because I am living my purpose.

G:What do you think is the most significant barrier to female success?

NK: I would say mindset. It is our mindset that limits us, and makes us fit in and stay within the norm. In our country, with all its patriarchy at all levels of society, a determined woman can get to where she wants. That said, a woman shouldn't have to fight to be who she is born to be. The norm should be that everyone can live their purpose and destiny, and be supported to do so.

G: Your biggest motivation?

NK: I believe I matter, that I can make a difference and make the world a better, more beautiful place. I am motivated by wanting everyone to remember this, and live by it. That they matter, they are unique, their presence in the world makes the world a more beautiful place.

G: What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

NK: I would tell her to never dim or hide the fire and light in her, no matter what.

G: Which women are on your radar and why?

NK: We are currently working on a project where we go deeper into understanding 9 great African Warrior Queens such as Queen Nandi of the Zulu, Queen Nzinga of Angola, Queen Asantewaa of Ghana. What I am learning about and from these women is mind blowing. I can’t wait for us to share with the world!

G: What’s your message to women in business?

NK: Be bold. Be creative. Women are natural creators. Take the leap, follow your gut. Your idea is worthy. You are worthy.

G: How are you celebrating women’s month?

NK: One of my brands, AfroBotanics, has a range called the African Warrior Queens range. We are doing mini documentaries on each Queen, sharing information that has never been shared. We will be sharing about these 9 queens throughout the month and it brings me deep joy to do this.

G: Your favourite beauty moment?

NK: My favourite beauty moment was back in 2015 when I started fully living what has become AfroBotanics tagline, that “I am My Own Kind Of Beautiful.”

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