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Beyoncé boosts sales of actual lemonade. Obviously.

When Beyoncé released her sixth studio album Lemonade in April, it was critically acclaimed for its exploration of never-before-gone-there topics like infidelity, for highlighting issues surrounding race, and for being the singer’s most experimental work to date. But the last thing we saw it affecting was the soft drinks industry…

There’s no denying Beyoncé is one influential woman, having been the style inspiration of ladies the world over, and inspiring many with her Independent Women, girl-power attitude. But now her influence has extended to wider, fizzier realms…

Lemonade (the drink) sales have apparently soared since the release of Beyoncé’s album. Natalie Sexton, CEO of US-based juice company Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, informed  The Huffington Post that her company’s sales have doubled since the album’s release.

“People are drinking lemonade and posting pictures with #Beyoncé,” she said. “You can’t drink lemonade these days without thinking of her.”

We’re happy lemonade it’s having its moment to shine having spent too long in the shadow of other fizzy beverages.

Matt McLean of Uncle Matt’s has also noted a rise in sales, saying: “Sales are increasing. We’re up about 20 percent,” he said. “I don’t know if that’s due to Beyoncé or the heat. Maybe it’s Beyoncé. We’d send her some free lemonade – it’s organic!”

This isn’t the first time Beyoncé has proved her selling power. When her track  Formation came out with the NSFW lyric “When he f*** me good I take his a** to Red Lobster”, the restaurant’s sales shot up by over 30%.

Incredible work, Bey.

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