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HOW TO: train like a pro athlete

Anyone who runs regularly knows, getting faster doesn’t come easy. A little encouragement helps, right?

Well meet your motivation for getting fit this winter:


Six Nike ‘Master Trainers’ have joined forces to launch a 12-week pro fitness challenge for the  Nike+ Training Club (NTC) App. The challenge is specifically designed to improve speed, power, and agility through a diverse set of daily workouts. The programme includes workouts, music for motivation and expert tips to get you faster and better. And best of all… it’s FREE!

Yes, you don’t even need membership for this workout programme.

Get the 12-week workout plan, here.

Happy training!

Looking for more workout tips and tricks? Here are 4 tips for sticking with your winter workout regime and here are 3 ways to ‘green’ your workouts

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