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5 Tips on how to bag a promotion

So how do you get that promotion you’ve had your eye on?  We asked Peter Kriel, head of the faculty of business at The Independent Institute of Education for his tips on climbing to the top of the corporate ladder.


Earn respect and trust

Don’t expect subordinates, peers or higher-ups to respect and trust you if you haven’t earned it. “To be trusted and respected is simply linked to ethical behaviour, by delivering what you promise, asking when you don’t know and always respecting those around you,” notes Peter.

Show you can

You are holding your current position because you can do the job. Show your boss high levels of competence in the technical and functional aspects of your job by performing well and as quickly as possible. Peter says that “it is crucial not to oversell yourself.”

Be open to feedback

“Remember, people who give feedback normally have more experience than you, and those who criticise, even wrongly, have a reason for doing so,” Peter points out. “Being open to feedback and criticism will not only earn you respect, but will put you in a position to become familiar with the specific nuances of the environment more rapidly.”

Stay openminded

Peter suggests following a ‘what if’ approach, rather than a ‘do this, I know best’ approach, as it will demonstrate creativity and respect for your colleagues. It can also be for the greater good of the project at hand.

Show emotional intelligence through behaviour

Peter says that “companies steer clear of promoting unpredictable and immature employees.” He suggests maintaining  a position of humility and “keeping a cool head at all times.”


Looking for that perfect promotion-worthy outfit? Here’s how to dress for success at the office. 

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